

Although we are working to be one body in Christ, we all have unique and diverse skills that we are called to invest in the Kingdom of God. As children of God, we have all been endowed with many gifts, talents, and abilities that we can use to honor God.  We desire to form a harmonious body that desires to praise God with their talents and reveal God’s glory in every avenue of life. Once established, each group holds regular gatherings of informative, impactful, thought provoking, strengthening, and/or just simply fun and creative fellowship time.

We desire to support more groups upon suggestion and discussion.
Do you have a desire to lead or start a group?



Youth Ministry is dedicated to revealing the Gospel in our daily lives, transforming our communities, and preaching the good news. As creative and committed Christians, we live to quench the spiritual drought in our cityscapes and restore the hearts of many around the world.

The Youth Group is a group of proactive, outreaching Christians, whose youth and passion are spent on bringing glory to God’s name.

You are about to dive into the deep Word of God with our staff members at your local fellowships and university campuses. I sincerely pray that Youth Group will strengthen you spiritually and that you will be fully equipped in spirit and truth while you walk on this faith journey.

Do you hear God’s calling?


We are deeply aware of the need to establish and serve families that live in the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. Family forms the very first environment for children born on earth. It bridges our lives from birth to adult preparing us to stand as individuals before God.  Biblical family virtues are consistently delivered through seminars and meetings to uphold healthy families.


“Haven’t you read that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female and said for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” (Matthew 19:4-5)

And the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. “…So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib (side) he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Gen 2:18, 21 22)

Marriage is a divine will of God that reveals the invisible and mysterious world of heavenly love on earth. Gods love can be most vividly and clearly demonstrated/incarnated in this human relationship.

In marriage men and women experience union in a love that must overcome and traverse beyond fleeting differences of emotion, sexual expression and other preference in life. Both must come together to form a family with Christ in the center as their mediator. It is possible for man to deeply experience the essence of his existence being joined together with another in this relationship. God’s presence at the center of the marriage relationship distinguishes Christian families from those led by or informed by popular culture and desire. Through the Biblical tradition of marriage in the scripture, Christians are to form a beautiful and pure marriage relationship blessed by God’s love and truth.

The church offers a premarital seminars that covers:

  • The divine meaning of marriage
  • Biblical foundation of marriage
  • The concept of Family Churches including their role and purpose in the Kingdom of God
  • Biblical methods for resolving relationship troubles
  • The differing roles and positions in the family



Are you interested in making an earnest effort to raise our kids wisely? Join in the Mothers’ group to share your experience and wisdom with other mothers.


• How can I lead a spouse who stopped participating in the church?
• How can I help a spouse when they loose a job?
• How to resolve disagreements in raising children.
• Cultural issues in multi-national marriages.
• What is needed for Christians to build a family based on biblical values?


I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the LORD more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hooves. (Psalm 69:30-31).

Music ministry is dedicated to performing music that praises God, gives glory to His holy name, and worships Him with honor. Worship for Sunday and Wednesday church services starts 15 minutes before service times, so come early with hearts full of thanksgiving to the Lord.

Music fellowship is a place where you can meet other musicians who are in similar situations as you, with the same dreams and hopes of the kingdom of God. Music ministries work toward recovering fellowship with God and comforting God’s people through worship, bringing the good news to lost souls who need the gospel, gaining experience in a performing arts ministry, and forming a network of local and global artists who share the same passion, dream and faith.

If you have a heart to praise the LORD and a desire to grow in a musical talent…that is all you need to join.




What we pray is the relationship with God. The prayer is the breath just like people who breathe. It’s the breath of believer.If the breath stops, the life is over. Just as the breath never stops, we should live as we always pray with faith and as we form the relationship with God well.

THEN, HOW CAN WE PRAY? (Matthew 6:9-13)

09 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


It’s Father. Where is the Father? He is in heaven. Our prayer is towards Father, God in heaven.

There are five prayers. The two previous prayers are public, and the three prayers of the latter part are personal. When we pray, in order that our prayer goes to God, there is something we should ask before God, which is the public prayer; Hallowed be thy name and Thy kingdom come. May the name of God is hallowed by the one who believes in Jesus. And we should pray with an earnest heart for Thy kingdom to come. The fundamental and essential topics were prayed so that our prayer may not become self-centered and egoistic. Next, one of the personal prayers of three things is regarding daily bread. This is the matter of today. Second is about the forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness is the issue of the past. This is the repentance for sins yesterday. Thirdly, lead us not into temptation. This is the issue of the future. We should pray not to be tempted. Even if the test comes, we should pray for letting us overcome it.


According to recent statistics, the number of seniors steadily increases each year not only in developed countries but also in developing ones as a result of the bettering of living conditions. Therefore, there is a great need for senior ministry to be actively supporting the older generations.

Seniors can play a great role in the church. They have lived long lives and have accumulated experience in so many aspects of human existence that make of them a valuable source of knowledge that can be transferred to younger generations.

Christian seniors know the value of mercy, compassion, and love towards their neighbor. In the final stages of their lives, God reveals to them the importance of being righteous, of opening their hearts to the Holy Spirit and to the grace of the Father. Senior can transfer those values not only to their congregations but also to all people in their communities.

Ministers and senior adults in the church are invited to organize and perform activities in which seniors will play the main role. By working for Senior Ministry, elders in the church can make a profound difference in their lives of those around them.


The vision that Teen Ministry maintains is to bring the everlasting hope of Jesus Christ to teenagers in this city. Though in a society where teenagers are exposed to numerous paths that lead them away from God, this generation has great potential in the eyes of the Lord. Once teens experience the salvation of Jesus Christ, teenagers will be a bright light in the darkest places and bring revival to the Church.

This ministry is dedicated to offering youth the care their spiritual needs through offering opportunities that allow them to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through providing teenagers with the resources they need, they will become powerful leaders in their schools and in their community. Additionally, this ministry focuses on raising spiritual mentors that will support local teenagers in following Jesus Christ and participating in the Kingdom of God.